Monday, July 26, 2010

One Third Complete

Week 6 of training has just concluded and along with it's conclusion came the realization that I'm a third of the way into training.


It seems like these last 6 weeks have gone by so fast!  It's hard to believe that in the last 6 weeks I've put in 104 training miles.  ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR.  And I've never skipped a training run- even over the 4th of July holiday that was a part of our 11 day vacation.

Thoughts thus far:
1. I can't believe I've run 104 miles.
2. I'm feeling really good about my training thus far.
3. It's not going to get easier- in fact, it's going to get harder.
4. I know that I CAN stick with the training and I WILL complete my goal.
5. I've got 330 training miles left on the calendar.
6. I've made it to the point of averaging 20 ish miles per week- that means I'm halfway to the training peak of Week 15 when I'll run 40 miles in a week.
7. I'm feeling awesome- I haven't had any major aches or pains.
8. I can see and feel the change in my legs from all of my training- hello good-looking calf muscles!

I want to try to do a better job of blogging my journey through this training- but I'll be honest and say that as the training miles increase, my blogging time might get eaten up by training time.  Ideally I would like to do the following from here on out:

  • At the end of one week/beginning of the next post with an update about my thoughts thus far on training
  • Keep posting on any gear/products I'm using or want to try
  • Seek out other runners and invite them to share their insights here on my blog
  • Keep on keepin' it real- training isn't easy.

Thanks for reading a being a part of my journey to 26.2 so far!


  1. I just found your blog via Commitment is Liberating. Noticed you are training for the Grand Rapids Marathon and wanted to say "Good Luck!" You are going to love it. I've done the half and full and am thinking of doing the full again this year. Don (the race director) and crew really put on a great race.

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I'm so excited that you're a first time marathoner! It is truly a life-changing event. And I'm pretty sure the only thing I love more than training/running marathons is talking to people about them :). So let me know if you have any questions. Looks like your training is off to a great start. Especially hitting all the training runs--even around the holidays! That's so awesome. I've learned that unless I have an impending race on my calendar I can't get myself motivated, and as soon as I've paid the entry fee I can't keep myself contained.

    Good luck, can't wait to read more!
