Friday, August 6, 2010

Just Call Me Grace

So on Monday I was leaving work at the end of the day and I had a moment of pure grace wherein I completely tripped over the curb.  Awesome.  I was wearing these little heeled sandals and my toes smooshed against the concrete of the curb when I tripped.  Ouch.  I thought it was basically the equivalent of stubbing my toe- it hurt, but I was fine.  But it kind of hurt more than just a stubbed toe kind of hurt.

Anyway, I made it to the car without further incident and continued on with my evening.  Hubby G, my newly-wedded brother-in-law, his wife, and I all went to a baseball game.  Mid-way through the game at maybe 7:30 or so I checked on my poor little toes.  Not my pinky toe, but the toe next to it was starting to swell- isn’t that weird?  My pinky toe and my middle toe were totally fine but the one in between them was the injured one.  You’d think the other toes would protect it.  Maybe I just had a particularly graceful trip and managed something like this.

It hurt a little bit to walk on it, but not too bad.  That’s when I started to get worried about running- if this stupid toe injury from my klutziness was going to cause me to miss a training run when I’ve made it this far and haven’t missed any yet- I was going to be mad.

Tuesday morning I woke up and my toe felt a little tender still, but I was at least going to try running- my distance was 3 miles, so I thought that would be decent to test things out on.  The first few strides were slightly uncomfortable, but by no means painful.  I finished out the run just fine- woohoo!  My theory is that I’m probably not helping the healing process at all, but I really don’t think I’m hurting it at all either.

Today my toe is still a bit swollen and it has presented a stunning array of colors in the past week, but it’s feeling pretty decent and it hasn’t stopped me from getting any of my training miles in.

Hopefully the 13 miler on schedule for tomorrow doesn’t over-do it.

1 comment:

  1. wow girl, that looks crazy painful! hope that you're icing it and taking some pain killers...
