Monday, August 9, 2010

Week 8 Reflection

I've survived another week!  I don't think I mentioned it here before, but a few weeks ago I added a tab to my blog with my training calendar- check it out if you're wondering what my running schedule looks like up until race day!

The Ups:

  • The 3 mile runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays now feel like they're just fun :)
  • My long mid-week run on Wednesday (6 miles) went really well this week!  Thanks to the very helpful suggestions from Dawn, Krista, and Keri I made it through the rest of the day without a terrible headache by the afternoon, which felt really great!
  • The weather last week was a bit cooler than it has been, so it was much nicer to run in.
  • I ran a half marathon (!) -just the distance, not an actual race- for my long run on Saturday.  It feels good to be at the half-way distance point!
  • I decided that running 13 miles in the morning (and therefore burning about 1300ish calories) means that I can consume almost double my normal caloric intake for a day just to come out even.  I love eating.  :)
  • I still haven't skipped any training runs.
  • I got another "First Marathon Confessions" interview up here- I'm loving every second of doing those.
  • I am absolutely loving finding other running blogs to follow and I'm loving the comments that others are leaving here for me- it's so encouraging!

The Downs:

  • I smashed and bruised my toe on Monday.  It didn't hinder my training really, but it did make it slightly uncomfortable at times.
  • I didn't feel really motivated this week.  I was thisclose to putting off my Thursday training run until the afternoon, but I realized I had an evening commitment and the morning was my only option.  It was just hard to get out of bed all week.
  • I wish I would have posted more here last week.  I want to try to get better at writing my posts in advance and scheduling them out in case the days just get too busy.

I definitely had more ups than downs last week- which I feel really fortunate about because that smashed toe had some potential to make things really miserable.

What I've accomplished so far:
8 weeks of training
153 training miles

What's left to do:
10 weeks of training
281 training miles

I linked them above too, but definitely check out the blogs of the wonderful ladies who helped me out with their comments last week:

Dawn- running: the dawn
Krista- Commitment is Liberating
Keri- The Blue-Eyed Runner

I found a bunch of blogs related to running that I've added to my reader in addition to the three listed above and I hope to add a page to my blog with all of them listed out sometime this week!

Thanks everyone for your support through another week of training!


  1. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I've just become a follower of yours. Looking forward to following your training!

    SO EXCITING that you are training for your first marathon! Ah yes, the eating is the best part!

    Good luck this week!

  2. Oooh, just realized our marathons are on the same weekend!! (Mine is the 18th)

  3. good work! another week down--way to go get it! i just went running today and i'm totally jealous of your cooler weather running. it was not cool today.

  4. Thanks for linking to my blog! I completely agree on the eating part - best thing about a long training day on the weekend! Although, sometimes I feel like I am the most hungry on rest days, why is that?
